
Material Artist, Texturing

Teal Tile Textures Collection
A curated selection of teal tile materials with PBR textures, perfect for adding a touch of elegance to any virtual environment.
6 Teal Tile Material- Vol2 (Sbsar)
Teal Tile Material 14 - PBR Seamless Textures
Teal Tile Material 15 - PBR Seamless Textures
Teal Tile Material 16 - PBR Seamless Textures
Teal Tile - PBR Material - 2K-4K - Part1
Brick Wall Textures Collection
This collection features a variety of brick wall materials with PBR textures, ranging from red grunge to lattice designs.
Red Grunge Brick Wall-PBR-01
Lattice Brick-04-PBR Material-2K-4K
Lattice Brick-05-PBR Material-2K-4K
Wall Brick Design-11-PBR-2K-4K
Lattice Brick-08-PBR
Diverse PBR Materials Collection
An assortment of high-quality PBR materials, including complex tile designs, suitable for various surfaces and applications.
Complex Tile-01-PBR-2k-4k