Modern Living Spaces Collection
A curated selection of high-poly 3D models showcasing modern living spaces, including furniture and full room setups, perfect for architectural visualization and interior design.
Modern Furniture Pack - Blender - .fbx - .obj
Blue Bathroom (.fbx - .obj - .blend)
Kyra's Living Room (.fbx - .obj - .blend)
Butterfly Mural Room (.fbx - .obj - .blend)
Modern Asian Style Living Room - Hipoly 3D Model
Modern Living Room / Hall - Hipoly 3D Model
Ultramodern Living Room 3D Model
Art Deco Lamps - 3D Asset Pack
Sci-Fi and Futuristic Collection
This collection features a range of science fiction and futuristic 3D assets, including starships, solar arrays, and heavy-duty batteries, ideal for space-themed projects and sci-fi environments.
Gemini Small Scifi Starship
Sci-Fi Solar Array #01
Nebula Sunrise (project files)
Sci-Fi Heavy Battery - Hipoly 3D Model
Plantarium - Plants Architectural Location
Realistic Environment Props Collection
A diverse mix of high-quality, realistic 3D models for enhancing exterior and interior environments, including street objects, a spiral staircase, and a zen fountain.
Modern Street Objects 3D Asset Pack
Modern Spiral Stairs 3D Asset Pack
Zen Fountain - Water Sim Doodle (Blender 2.93+)
Modern Corridor - Free 3D Model
Modern Warehouse 3D Model (blend - fbx - obj)
Architectural Visualization - Exteriors Collection
An array of detailed 3D models for architectural visualization, focusing on exterior architecture such as solar panels, a public wall fountain, and various buildings.
Steampunk Pipes 3d Kit
Vintage Public Wall Fountain
Solar Panels 3D Kit
Warehouse Hipoly 3D Model
Vehicle and Garage Collection
This collection is dedicated to vehicle-related 3D assets, featuring various car parks and garages, suitable for projects requiring detailed automotive environments.
Modern Underground Car Garage
Modern Luxury Car Park / Garage / Hall
Modern Underground Luxury Car Park / Garage
Music and Performance Collection
A specialized collection of 3D models for music and performance scenes, including a stage setup with guitars and a classic art deco hall.
Guitars Stage - Blender Eevee + obj + fbx
Classic Art Deco Hall
Guitar Amplifiers - 3D Asset Pack