Aleksandr Ivanov

:) my art

Stylized Materials Mega Pack
A collection of various stylized material packs, perfect for cartoon and fantasy-themed graphics projects.
land_mix pack of 14 stylized materials
"roof" - pack of 8 stylized materials
"riveted metal" - pack of 16 stylized materials
"ice" - pack of 9 stylized materials
"stylized_terrain" pack of 23 materials
"stylized_terrain vol. 02" pack of 23 materials
PBR Materials Selection
A curated selection of PBR materials for realistic texturing in various scenarios, including flesh, magma, crystal, and ground surfaces.
"Flesh" PBR materials(.SBS .SBSAR)
magma land 7 PBR materials
"Crystal" - pack of 13 stylized PBR materials
"Ground" - Pack of 13 PBR Materials
package PBR materials "stone-brick"
Specialized Terrain Textures
This collection features specialized terrain textures, including alien and martian surfaces as well as a volume of stylized terrain.
"Alien surface" pack of 8 materials
Martian surface "Textures"
"Stylized Terrain vol. 03" pack of 13 materials