Zack D Maxwell

Freelancer and Independent Game Developer. Creating Games, Game Art, and Tools for making Game Art.

SciFi Tools Collection
A collection of SciFi-themed toolsets for Substance Painter and ZBrush, including plugs, stamps, and screws.
SciFi Plugs Tool - Substance and Alphas
Screws Tool - Substance and Brushes
SciFi Stamps Tool - Substance and Brushes
Stylized IMM Brushes Collection
This collection features ZBrush Insert Multi Mesh (IMM) brushes designed to create stylized eyes, hair, and hard details.
Stylized Eyes - ZBrush IMM Brush
Stylized Hair - ZBrush Curves and IMM Brushes
Stylized Hard Details - ZBrush Brushes
Stylized Smart Materials Collection
A selection of Substance Painter smart materials for creating stylized metal, wood, fabric, stone, and body textures.
Stylized Metal - Smart Materials
Stylized Fabric - Smart Materials
Stylized Wood - Smart Materials
Stylized Stone - Smart Materials
Stylized Body - Smart Materials
Substance Painter Brushes and Textures Collection
A versatile collection of brushes and substances for creating detailed runes, grass textures, and stylized eyes.
Runes - Brushes and Substances
Stylized Grass - Substance, Textures and Source
Stylized Eyes - Brush and Substance