alan castro

Freelance desde el 2000

Tactical Gear and Accessories
A collection of high-detail 3D assets featuring tactical gear and accessories suitable for realistic character design in video games and simulations.
Gun Sci-Fi
Tactical Gloves
Tactical mask with headset and goggles
Tactical Vest
Tactical Belt
backpack with interior
Realistic Human Features
This collection comprises hyper-realistic human features and body parts, ideal for AAA video game character creation and animation.
Realistic eye for AAA video game
BaseMesh Female
18+Adult content.
Basemesh Male
18+Adult content.
BaseMesh male 1
18+Adult content.
High Poly Footwear
A specialized collection of high poly 3D models of footwear, showcasing various styles and designs for detailed visualizations.
Wrist Watch
Men's Boots
Boot Stylized high poly
Weapons and Props
A diverse array of 3D assets including weapons and miscellaneous props, tailored for use in game development and CG art.
Weapon -  Rifle - FARA-83 Low Poly for Videogames.
Hair 01