Unreal Engine 4
Cinema 4D
3D Scans

8k Rubble 21 assets pack | Cinematic LOD | 32 bit

This pack contains 20 highly detailed , optimized ready-to-go assets of various concrete structures, rubble and granite blocks. Those are extremely useful for virtually any project! Every asset is equipped with full set of sharp 8K textures and cinematic LODs starting with LOD03 8000 tris in average, which are

  • 32 bit Height

    • 16 bit Normal ( for each LOD)
    • 16 bit AO
    • Really smart roughness
    • 16 bit Detail normal
    • Completely delighted sharp albedo

Scans done with top-notch equipment and precise color calibration to ensure the maximum possible quality and fidelity, so be pretty sure about color accuracy and sharpness.

No scan holes, no artifacts , no low-res sources or black shadows\ao in albedo. No bullshit policy on these. Take and enjoy.

Share this stuff! By sharing you`re buying me more time to do free stuff. So, i am truly thankful for that. !

List is following:

SMborder1\ SMborder2\ SMborder3\ SMborder4\ SMConcreteblock1\ SMConcreteblock2\ SMConcreteblock3\ SMConcreteblock4\ SMConcreteblock5\ SMConcreteblock6\ SMConcreteblock7\ SMdoorblock\ SMrubble1\ SMrubble2\ SMrubble3\ SMrubble4\ SMrubble5\ SMrubble6\ SMrubble7\ SMwindow_block\

Also , as an Octane lover i am, attaching fully set-up scene with all the materials in it.

SHARE this stuff! It is really hard to do and i am not a faceless corporation, just a guy struggling to pay his rent. Release Notes

Completely revamped all the models, including baking , cleaning, delighting, custom LODs and other really good stuff.

You get far superior assets in overall.

You will get 1 file

All files previously purchased will always be available for download in your Library

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