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Dark Fantasy Monster Pack C

Dark Fantasy Monster Pack C


  • 15 Monsters Pack
  • Provides Various types of Texture
  • Provides Various types of Animation Animation type_Generic(Not humanoid)


Dark Fantasy Monster C-1 【Kalgon】 - Verts: 2133 - Tris: 2598 - Texture: 512 X 512 X 1 - Animations (x9) : idle, walk, attack01, attack02, skill01, skill02, skill03, skill04, skill05

Dark Fantasy Monster C-2 【Maggot】 - Verts: 1068 - Tris: 1452 - Texture: 512 X 512 X 1 (10 types of texture) - Animations (x11) : idle, come, walk, attack, skill01, skill021, skill022, stun, hit, die, down

Dark Fantasy Monster C-3 【Magron】 - Verts: 1517 - Tris: 1714 - Texture: 512 X 512 X 1 (4 types of texture) - Animations (x16) : idle, walk, attack01, attack02, skill01, skill02ready, skillcycle, skill02return, skill03, skill04, pskill02, pskill03,hit, stun, die, down

Dark Fantasy Monster C-4 【NPC_Guard】 - Verts: 981 - Tris: 1376 - Texture: 512 X 512 X 1 - Animations (x7) : idle01, idle02, idle03, run01, attack, hit, die

Dark Fantasy Monster C-5 【Ra Fruze】 - Verts: 1725 - Tris: 2205 - Texture: 512 X 512 X 1 (4 types of texture) - Animations (x15) : idle, run, attack, skill011, skill012, skill01_3, skill01, skill02, skill03, skill04, stun, pskill, hit01, hit02, die

Dark Fantasy Monster C-6 【Rakusan】 - Verts: 1395 - Tris: 2010 - Texture: 512 X 512 X 1 (4 types of texture) - Animations (x15) : idle, walk, attack01, attack02, skill01, skill02ready, skill02cycle, skill02return, skill03, skill04, pskill02, hit, stun, die, down

Dark Fantasy Monster C-7 【Skeleton Archer】 - Verts: 1424 - Tris: 1972 - Texture: 512 X 512 X 1 (10 types of texture), 256 X 256 X 1 - Animations (x9) : idle, run, skill01, skill02, stun, hit, down, come, attack01

Dark Fantasy Monster C-8 【Skeleton Lord】 - Verts: 1469 - Tris: 1954 - Texture: 512 X 512 X 1 (6 types of texture) - Animations (x9) : idle, walk, run, attack01, attack02, skill, hit, come, down

Dark Fantasy Monster C-9 【Skeleton Warrior】 - Verts: 1310 - Tris: 1822 - Texture: 512 X 512 X 1 (5 types of texture) - Animations (x10) : idle, come, run, attack01, attack02, skill01, skill02, hit, stun, down

Dark Fantasy Monster C-10 【Tartos】 - Verts: 1710 - Tris: 2310 - Texture: 512 X 512 X 1 (4 types of texture) - Animations (x11) : idle, run, attack01, attack02, skill01, skill02, skill03, pskill02, pskill03, hit01, die

Dark Fantasy Monster C-11 【Viper】 - Verts: 1391 - Tris: 1890 - Texture: 512 X 512 X 1 (4 types of texture) - Animations (x12) : idle, walk, attack01, attack02, skill01, skill02, skill03, pskill02, pskill03, hit, stun, die

Dark Fantasy Monster C-12 【Wolf】 - Verts: 855 - Tris: 1188 - Texture: 512 X 512 X 1 (9 types of texture) - Animations (x8) : idle, run, attack, skill, hit, stun, down, die

Dark Fantasy Monster C-13 【Wraith】 - Verts: 861 - Tris: 1222 - Texture: 512 X 512 X 1 (8 types of texture) - Animations (x10) : idle, come, run, attack, skill01, skill02, hit, stun, down, die

Dark Fantasy Monster C-14 【Yasugo】 - Verts: 1775 - Tris: 2754 - Texture: 512 X 512 X 1 (7 types of texture) - Animations (x10) : idle, walk, attack, skill01, skill02, skill03, stun, hit, down, die

Dark Fantasy Monster C-15 【Zombie】 - Verts: 911 - Tris: 1278 - Texture: 512 X 512 X 1 (10 types of texture) - Animations (x9) : idle, come, walk, attack, skill, hit, stun, down, die

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