Photoshop CS6 +
Software Brushes

Deiv's Photoshop Painting Brushes

These are the brushes I use for my illustrations.

Brushes 2nd ,3rd,4th of the main set are for the smudge tool

  1. Main - normal painting
  2. Surfaces - for textures of skin, scales, etc
  3. Rocks - noise textures
  4. Foliage - mostly leaves
  5. Clouds Water - scatter brushes
  6. Hair Furr - lots of strands
  7. SFX - use this in linear dodge mode
  8. Industrial - polygonal shapes
  9. Smudgers - use this with the smudge tool

Around 10% are made by me while the rest is a compilation of various brushes from artists like:

  • Mathias Verhaselt
  • Maciej Kuciara
  • Blur's Good Brush
  • Nebezial
  • Shaddy Safadi
  • Dan Luvisi
  • Goro Fujita
  • Thierry Doizon

Please google these awesome artists if you have the chance!

LAST UPDATED: Nov 1, 2017

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